Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas 2011...

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Little Miss was a huge helper to her dad and they got our beautiful tree decorated! Miss A and I got to hang out together and oversee the decorating:) While Grammy Nola was visiting she made some ornaments with Little Miss to put on the tree and they turned out so cute! I especially loved this Christmas because we were able to teach Little Miss about her Savior and why we celebrate Christmas. She understood so much better this year and I love that she is already developing a testimony of her Savior, as simple and sweet as it may be. She knows he lives and she loves him. We did our own little Christmas at home a couple weeks before Christmas and Little Miss got just what she wanted...anything that has to do with Disney Princesses! She especially loved her memory game, stool and toothbrush holder all featuring the princesses. We left for Utah on December 18 and got to spend Christmas with Grandma and Pa in Loa. Little Miss loves going to Loa and seeing her Grandma and Pa and getting to "help" on the farm. She got to spend a lot of time with her Pa and dad since Grandma just got a knee replacement and I had Miss A to take care of, and she loved every minute of it! We spent Christmas Eve with Grandma Great and Grandpa Great and the rest of the Oyler family. There was delicious food and we loved our gifts they gave us! We all received such wonderful presents this year and were well taken care of by both our parents as usual! The girls got some really cute outfits and their Christmas ornament from Grandma and Pa. Grammy and Grampy also gave the girls some really cute clothes and lots of books. Between those gifts and all the gifts from their Aunts and Uncles, they did pretty good this year! We love our families so much and are so grateful for the time we get to spend with them.


  1. Your girls are so pretty in their Christmas dresses! I'm glad you're back!

  2. Love your girl's Christmas dresses. They look adorable. I need to come see little Alyssa.

  3. Love their Christmas dresses! They are so cute!
