Saturday, January 14, 2012

2 Months Old...

Miss A at 2 months old...

You are an excellent sleeper. You sleep about 7-8 hours at night before you wake up to eat and then you will go down for another 3-4 hours!

You no longer have your fussy time from 6pm-10pm every night...that is a thing of the past.

You smiled for the first time on Dec. 18th at your Grammy Nola! You smiled a few more times over the Christmas break and now you love to smile and "talk" to us all the time. You are such a sweet baby!

You don't love your binkie. You like it to help you go to sleep, but other than that you don't want much to do with it.

You are a very content baby and you still love when your big sister sings to you.

You have the cutest facial expressions! You especially have a good "attitude" face...

You LOVE the shower and the bath, but you definitely don't love getting lotioned after.

You still love cuddling with your daddy in the big green chair.

But the thing I love about you the most is...EVERYTHING!


  1. What a doll! I can't believe she's two months already!

  2. She is adorable Marie, and getting so big already

  3. I haven't even told you how adorable she is...SHE IS ADORABLE!! : ) she seriously is so cute!
