Thursday, October 25, 2012

11 Months...

 Miss Lyss at 11 months...

*You are the happiest little girl!  You love to giggle, smile and you are turning into quite the little tease!
*Anytime you want to carry something and crawl or stand up, you will put the item in your mouth and hold it there.  It is so cute!!  You will crawl around with a doll hanging out of your mouth...I love it!
*You are so close to walking!  If you aren't paying attention to what you are doing you will stand all by yourself.  You walk around furniture and anything you can pull yourself up on.
*You have the word "momma" mastered.
*You LOVE your big sister.  You love to take her toys, you love to make her yell, you love to scream so I will come "save" you from her.  But mostly, you just love playing with her, wrestling with her and being everywhere she is:)
 *You are sleeping really well.  You sleep 8-9 hours every night.
*You love my cell phone!  You will grab it and put it right up to your ear and just jabber away!
*You love to eat and you will eat pretty much anything I feed you now...hopefully you will be an awesome eater like your sister.
  *You are still a momma's girl and I still love it.
*You love playing in the bathroom!  I have definitely learned to keep the door shut.
*You love going for walks in the stroller with your big sister.
*You still have 7 teeth but I am expecting more to pop out anytime...
*You are still a feisty little thing!!  Your daddy blessed you with "a strong will" in your baby blessing so I am pretty sure this is a trait you will have for the long haul and I better learn to love it:)
*You love to look at books and your big sister is really good at giving you the "Lyss approved" books.

You are getting so big and you are such a beautiful little girl inside and out!  We love you lots Miss Lyss!!


  1. I love how feisty she is. It will be a good trait to fight off the boys with that cute face.

  2. She looks so happy! I love that toothy grin.

  3. She is such a cute little cheese ball just like her sister!
