Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Day...

It hasn't been a very wet winter for us, until now. It seems like it has been snowing forever, and due to the crazy amount of snow, school was cancelled for today. I don't love snow, but I do LOVE having Jeff home with us, especially when it isn't expected! I was able to sleep in this morning and Little Miss got to spend all morning with her dad. They made a delicious breakfast, homemade biscuits and gravy and bacon, and watched her new movie, Horton Hear's A Who. When I got up, Jeff took a little rest and then him and Little Miss got dressed in their snow attire and headed out to play while Miss A and I stayed in our nice warm home. They had so much fun and came in freezing! We made some hot chocolate with whipped cream on top and it warmed them right up. It is just one of those days that you wish wouldn't end...we sure love daddy!! I guess snow isn't so bad when it results in days like this...


  1. isn't that funny how little of snow we have received back home. It has only truly snowed three times so far and even those were not that bad.
    That sounds like such a fun family day!!!

  2. It really was the best to have Matthew home today too. Wish tomorrow was a snow day too!

  3. We loved it too! It was a nice break from the norm!
