Thursday, January 12, 2012

Blessing Day...

On January 2nd 2012, Miss A was given a name and a blessing by her daddy and it was such a sweet experience. We decided to do the blessing over Christmas break at my parents house so that all our family could be there(well, most of our family), and Jeff wanted to do a short program to invite the spirit and it was perfect. My brother Steven gave the opening prayer and Jeff's brother Houston gave the closing prayer, and my brother Stayler played the piano. My mom, Jeff's mom, Jeff and I all gave our thoughts and testimonies, and then Miss A was blessed. Jeff gave the blessing and I know he followed the impressions he received and gave a beautiful blessing. My dad, Jeff's dad, Bishop Jenson(my parents bishop), my brother Stayler, Jeff's Uncle Steve, and Jeff's cousin Danny all participated in the blessing. It is such a privilege to be able to have Miss A in our family and I know her Heavenly Father has a lot in store for her. We love her so much!


  1. What a special day. Baby blessings are the best. How wonderful that all your family could be there. Love your cute little family.

  2. Baby blessing pictures are my absolute favorite! I love seeing them all dressed in white! What a beautiful family!
