Thursday, September 20, 2012

10 Months...

Miss Alyssa at 10 months...

*You still love your mommy more than anything and always want to be with me.  You love when I hold you and you are still very cuddly.  Especially after naps when I get you out of your will lay your head in my neck forever.  I absolutely love it.

*You have 7 teeth...4 on top and 3 on bottom.  I am pretty sure you are working on a least one more at the moment.  You are having a hard time sleeping and you love chewing on anything you can get your hands on. Most of the time it's my shirt and you leave a nice wet spot in the same spot every time.

*You are so smiley!  It is so easy to make you smile and you love to laugh at anything your big sister Caitlin does.  She loves to make you laugh.

*You have the deepest blue eyes.

*You figured out how to crawl a couple weeks ago and you can get anywhere you want to now.  You are pretty quick at it too!

*You pull yourself up on anything and everything.  I can see it in your eyes that you want to walk so won't be long...

*You LOVE your baths and being in the water.  It may be one of the places you are the happiest.

*You like sitting in your high chair with us during meals and trying new foods.  You still spit out quite a bit of what you try, but it won't stop me from making you try it over and over:)

*You love making sounds with your tongue and yelling while you pat your hand over your mouth.  One of your favorite toys is a microphone Caitlin got from Wendy' will just yell into it and get the biggest kick out of yourself!

*You are just like your sister, you put EVERYTHING in your mouth.  I cannot tell you how many rocks I have had to scoop out of your cute little mouth.

*You do not like being tossed up in the air...not even a little bit.  You get so scared if you even think I am going to let go of you.  You may have your dad's fear of heights...

*No matter how upset you are, you will calm down almost immediately if I pick you up and hold you.  I love that you love me so much.

*You are very ticklish. On you feet and toes especially which I love to kiss, but also on your neck, tummy, arms, side...pretty much everywhere.

*You are sometimes shy with people.  You will give the cutest little grin and bury you face in my neck if you aren't sure what to think about someone.

*You love to hold my phone and "talk" in it.  You love when I put the phone up to your ear to talk to daddy and you will just jabber away.

*You can get pretty feisty.  When there is something you want you are not shy about letting out a loud yell and going after it.  Caitlin loves this about you because she sometimes enjoys getting you fired up:)

But mostly, you are just our little sweetheart and we love you more and more everyday.  Our family wouldn't be complete without you and I am so glad you are a part of it.  We love you forever Miss Lyss!


  1. I can't believe how big she is getting! We love you guys! MISS YOU!!

  2. what a little sweetheart! can't believe she crawls! enjoy the cuddling- Ashton has given that up :( Kiss those sweet cheeks for me!

  3. It wouldn't be fun if she wasn't a little feisty! She is so cute!!

  4. PS Your blog looks super cute! I love that family picture!!

  5. (gasp!) I LOVE your new family picture! I need to see more NOW!
