Sunday, May 6, 2012

Some of my favorite things...

1. Little Miss's "hair"...she always has a towel or sweater on her head and she even has me put it in a ponytail.  I would be ok if she never grew out of this!
2. Lyss's huge smile every morning when I get her out of bed.
3. Little Miss's vocabulary..."merote"(remote) "cocodot" (polkadot) "floppers"(flip-flops) "beautiful gown"(dress) "puter"(computer)
4. How Little Miss wants to help with, cleaning, laundry, feeding Lyss...
5. Watching Little Miss dance.
6. Doing anything with Jeff...watching movies, playing games, laughing...pretty much anything:)
7. Making Lyss laugh and listening to her giggle!

...just to name a few:)


  1. I LOVE her sweater ponytail! Too funny!!

  2. Yay for updates! The sweater is hilarious!

  3. Love the sweater hair. I totally remember doing that when I was little.
